Innovation Klein: Monocrome monochrome pictures - blue as a representation of God/ Picture title: Untitled 1960/ Artist Yves Klein 1928 -1962
Innovation Liedtke: Graphic art formula application in the image
Artist Lucio Fontana: 1899 - 1968
Image title: Room concept 1959
Innovation Lucio Fontana: Reduction to one colour with canvas incisions. The openings in the canvas convey a new spatial concept.
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and shaping work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer and generate new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the understander for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.
Artist Kenneth Noland: 1924 - 2010
Image title: Ember 1960
Innovation Kenneth Noland: Symbiosis of colour reduction and centring
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and shaping work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer and generate new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the understander for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.
Artist Mark Rothko: 1903 -1970
Picture title: Number 10 1950
Innovation Mark Rothko: Colour surfaces with a meditative character
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and shaping work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer and generate new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the understander for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.
Artist Victor Vasarély: 1906 - 1997
Image title: Arcturus II 1968
Innovation Victor Vasarély: Main representative of optical art / New visual effects cause uncertainty among the viewer
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and shaping work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer and generate new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the understander for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.
Artist Ellsworth Kelly: 1923 - 2015
Image title: Red Blue 1968
Innovation Ellsworth Kelly: New forms / Equality of opposing statements to common expression
Innovation Liedtke 1988: Cognitive symbiosis with the work / The viewer himself becomes a living and shaping work of art. Mirror neurons in the brain of the viewer lead through the work of art, the process of creativity and the understanding of art with the formula to a cognitive fusion of work and viewer and generate new neuronal connections and synapses as well as epigenetically improved gene programmes of the understander for a re-engaged selective innovation perception and the generation of innovations for self-help, healing and development.
Innovation: Art formula
Innovation: juxtaposition of the innovations of different artists in a picture with applied graphics of the art formula
Innovation Technique: Digital Print / Size Unicat/Original Artwork with Dieter Liedtke's DNA in the Red Colour
Innovation of the series: art key for any form of art: Life + expansion of consciousness = art or old information + new information = evolution
Series name: Art Formula
Working years of the series from: 1988 -
Year of work: 2003
Signature: Liedtke
Material: Canvas on stretcher frame
Dimensions: 89 cm x 130 cm
Price 4 Million Euros. €
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